“When you practice yoga, you’re not practicing to improve yourself. You are perfect. The practice is there to help you know that.”

— Maty Ezraty, Yogaworks co-founder


My name is Pauline Bellocq, I am the founder of Voilà Yoga and a 500-hour Yoga Alliance certified yoga instructor (RYT-500). Born in France, professionally trained in the USA, I now call Lisbon home.

After a Masters degree in Business, I worked in the retail tech industry for 12 years, in New-York & Los Angeles. I started practicing yoga in NYC in 2012, primarily to ease the stress and pressure of my job. Yoga was my way into self-transformation and living a more mindful life.
In 2014, I took a 200-hour teacher training and started teaching friends & colleagues after-work, and in 2016, I completed a professional 300-hour training.

It took me two babies and a pandemic to realize that sharing the gift of yoga is what I enjoy doing above anything else. I created Voilà Yoga, a nomad studio that meets you wherever you are, with the mission of bringing more mindfulness to your personal & professional worlds.

During my 500-hour teacher training at Yogaworks, I am so grateful to have received guidance from awe-inspiring teachers such as Jenny Aurthur, Elizabeth J Flint, Chrissy Carter, Laurel Beversdorf, Carrie Owerko or the late Maty Ezraty.

Voilà Yoga is sparingly on social media, but I love writing and receiving emails, and you can also subscribe to my newsletter to connect.


No need to be flexible or to balance on your head; if you can breathe, then you can practice yoga. 

Focusing on one-on-one and small groups, I teach Hatha Yoga, influenced by Iyengar: an alignment-based, mindful practice. I create personalized and unique sequences to facilitate mind and body (re)connection. Students are individually guided through poses and transitions, with precise cues, always adapted to their own bodies and needs. 

Each month I work with a theme, and for each class, I create a new and unique sequence. Along with asana (poses), all classes include meditation & pranayama. 

Because every body is different, I offer several types of classes, so you can find something suitable based on your needs, experience, or mood. If you’re working with a specific condition or would like to receive 1-1 guidance, I also offer private sessions. 
